How much do hourly planning services cost?
How and when do I pay the hourly fees?
How and when do I pay the investment management fee?
Withdrawals/additions above $50,000 in aggregate will be prorated for the period and reduce/increase the following quarter’s fees accordingly. Invoices detailing the fee calculation are available quarterly, and can be provided to your tax preparer for possible tax deduction under “Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions.”
How long does it take to create a financial plan?
Do you hold my assets? How do I know you won’t take my money?
Why did you choose Fidelity as custodian?
Note that we are not obligated to invest in Fidelity products due to the relationship and in fact use just a few.
While we periodically review our custodian options, the potential disruption to existing clients will always be a significant consideration. We do reserve the right to change custodians in the future.